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CGL, Sibiu: Sa ne cunoastem mai bine

Sa ne cunoastem mai bine
To get to know each other better

Una din primele noastre activitati, care i-a atras pe elevi pentru ca viza realizarea unui produs palpabil, a fost realizarea unui panou reprezentativ pentru fiecare tara/oras/scoala membra a proiectului-in total 5 panouri fiecare realizat de cate o clasa. Activitatea a durat o saptamana timp in care materialele au fost selectate.S-au adaugat imagini dar si poezii si retete scurte in limbile nationale.

One of the first activities which attracted students a lot had a very palpable ending- creating boards for every participating country of the project. 5 classes were responsible with the presentation of one of the partner countries/towns and schools, respectively .The activity lasted for a week during which the materials were selected . Not only representative pictures of the respective countries were added but also a poem written by a local artist, a recipe, in the native language.


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